Monday 2 May 2011

Final thoughts and food

We had the Tuesday and afternoon to wander round Soho before being picked up for the Airport. We had a great day - lots of shops and purchases. We both enjoyed the people/outfit watching as it's quite a trendy area. Due to the extra purchases it did mean swapping things in the suitcases around to ensure we were under the weight maximum. But all was fine. We made the most of our last American meals and had breakfast in a diner and a slice of pizza for lunch - both very tasty. We had a great holiday but were very pleased to get back to our cats and to a country that appreciates a good queing system :p


8 outfits in 5 days

My mother in law kindly ironed my clothes before packing and pointed out that I would end up wearing the same thing everyday anyway. Well - ha! This post is just to prove her wrong and to show her that her hard work didn't go to waste obviously :p

Tuesday 26 April 2011

2 Breakfast Yankee Day

So we were off to a good start with two breakfasts. We couldn't find this diner so settled for a dunken donuts only to turn the corner and find the diner so we decided to still go ahead :p Fatties I know - james' stomach doubled as you can see.




We then thought we'd try and be 'kultured' so went to the museum of modern art - some of the art I just didn't understand as usual - see below, James's got told off for nearly stepping on some 'art' which was the paint on the floor.



They had a 'kitchen' exhibition which was right up my alley but also enjoyed some of the other pieces. James's favourite was of a computer taken apart and stuck up on some clear acrylic.






New York Yankees

We had a great time and really embraced everything - we ate hotdogs, drank beer - cheered when we thought we should cheer and just laughed at the insults flying around from the supporters. It was in the bronx so new territory for us.



James said I looked suggestive so we took another picture.


Other stuff

Here's some other pics from today including food.

Monday 25 April 2011

Easter in the city

Spring break!

So we thought that everything would be shut on Easter Sunday and it would be really quiet. Wrong! In fact they shut down some of the roads for the Easter parade where people walked through with their Easter bonnets. Everyone seemed to be wandering round with bunny ears or wearing something spring like. 10/10 for effort. Have put some pics below from the NY Easter efforts - including the window display for Louis Vuitton where their products are hatching out of their  and the Easter cupcakes in the Magnolia Bakery (Great recommendation Kathryn and Heather!)






The BIG piano

This was probably one of the things on my 'things to do before you die' list which is - have a little dance on the piano on the floor of the toy store 'FAO Schwartz' from the film big. If anyone is feeling generous and thinking of buying me one for Christmas - it would only cost 1/4 million dollars. Ok with you? thanks! :) Below is not only a picture of me doing this but James thought he would film me looking special on it too :p (I was actually trying to play the tune from the film but some kids kept ruining it for me! :p)** I also had a hug with a giant UGLY doll (as you do) that was for you Kat :p


**Due to technical difficulties I'll have to upload the video at a later time - sorry to disappoint folks! :p

Sunstroke in central park

Central park was amazing and we loved the street performers - especially the guy below who was a comedian as well - so funny. I enjoyed my 'lick-a-flavour' ice lolly which had a joke on the stick - which we have stopped doing in the UK now I think? What made it funny was it only works in a New York accent :p But yes was very sunny and hot.





Also saw 'strawberry fields' and the dakota building - especially for you Jason!


Top of the rock

Considering the amazing unexpected hot weather we had during the day we were GUTTED that it rained in the evening after buying tickets for the sunset views at the rockafella building. We did the tour and were a bit underwhelmed as there were so many tourists we were just shepherded around for. It was shortly after this I had to get home as I had a migraine from the sunny day - us paleys just cant cope. Food was ok - some really nice things but nothing to shout out about in particular - James liked the Brooklyn beer :p Will 
leave on that note with some pics from the city that day.